Do not share the actual content in the blog to groups so as to make all the
students to get familiar with the blog.
2. No borrowing of things
allowed inside exam hall
3. Wearing College ID card
is must during exam hours. (special arrear students should carry Govt issued
original non laminated ID cards)
4. Keep the Hall ticket and
Question paper safe.
5. Duplicate hall ticket
will be issued only once with fine of Rs. 100/- that too after dispatching
answer sheets. If hall ticket is missed, write a letter, get signature from HoD
& Principal, pay Rs. 100/- at college cash counter and submit the letter at
Exam cell
6. It is advised to carry
transparent water bottles.
7. Data book will be
provided only if it is specified in the QP (also read instruction No- 36)
8. Please carry passport
size photo during examinations, (it may be used to get temporary id card if the
id card is forgotten / Missed)
9. Malpractice in any
manner will be certainly booked.
10. Hall allocation will be
posted in this blog 2.30 hrs before exam time. Please dont forward in your
groups. Make all the students to access the blog. you can also use search
option in the blog to locate your hall.
11. Be present 10 min
before the commencement of examination. Normally students will not be permitted
after commencement of examinations.
12. QP will be distributed
5 min before the commencement of examination to read, for those who present
inside the exam hall
13. Read and follow the
instructions given at the back of hall ticket and 2nd page of answer booklet.
No scribbling should be in the hall ticket.
14. Take at most care in
writing the Reg no and other details in the first page of answer booklet
15. Check the individual
page numbers in the answer booklet received before starting to write the
details, whether all the pages are present, in order or any damages and report
immediately. Reporting at the later stage, will be viewed seriously.
16. Check the sub name and
sub code of the QP received with that of the hall ticket as soon as the QP is
17. Write your Reg no in
the QP and no other scribbling are allowed in the QP. Any scribbling found in
the QP will be suspected for malpractice and it will be viewed seriously.
18. Use only the rough
column at the back of answer booklet for calculations.
19. After completion, do
tick the question numbers and sub divisions you have answered in 3 places of
your answer booklet (1 - Front, 2-back – V-1,V-2,V-3)
20. Strike out the unused
pages diagonally using pen only. Strike out the unused lines in 2 mark sections
21. Do not write anything
different from the subject concerned in the answer sheet
22. Many students write
their names in the examiner name at the bottom of the front page of answer
sheet. It will attract fine of Min Rs.1000/- which should be separately sent to
university for publication of results.
23. Whitener is not
permitted anywhere in the answer sheet.
24. Use graph present in
the answer booklet. If the graph is different from the graph given in the
answer booklet it will be provided by us. Ask the Hall invigilator for the
graph required at the start of the exam, after reviewing QP, so that we can
arrange in time.
25. Keep the graph sheet
inside the answer booklet and it needs to be tied. We will provide the punching
machine and thread for tieing.
26. Avoid any
identification marks such as use of colour pens, any specific patterns should
be avoided. if found later, it will be considered as malpractice.
27. Only permitted
calculators should be used. The type of calculators to be used is posted
already in the blog
28. Any updation will be
posted in the blog and keep updated.
29.Throwing of Question
papers inside the campus is seriously viewed.
30. Damage of seat numbers
pasted in the hall is also seriously viewed.
31. Look for complete
register no and corresponding seat no in the hall sketch pasted at the door of
exam hall.
32. Mobile phones even in switched
off condition is not allowed inside exam halls. Pouches, Purses or any valuable
items are not permitted inside the exam hall even to keep in the stage. Smart
watches, Bluetooth devices and other electronic gadgets are not allowed.
33. University / College
authorities are not responsible any things that is brought to college during
exams, which is kept in bags. Students are advised not to bring mobile phones /
purses / any valuable items during exams. If brought, it is the responsibility
of students to keep them safe.
33. Only small amount of
Rupee notes, 1 or 2 ATM cards can be kept in the packet.
34. Maintain proper dress
codes during exams. It is recommended to wear half sleeves for boys. If full
sleeves, it should not be folded till the exam is over. Jeans with multiple
packets are not allowed.
35. Only drafter is
allowed. Drafter holder is not allowed.
36. Representatives /
students are instructed to collect the data books from Exam cell and return it
after the exams are over. Representatives are instructed to come to exam cell
on the previous day and keep the data books separately so as to collect it
easily on the exam day. Student representing each block has to be identified to
collect and return the data books. No scribbling in the data book is permitted.
37. If No. of
pages used is altered, get signature from the hall superintendent otherwise, it
will not be considered
38. Handover the answer
booklet only to the hall invigilator. Do not keep it at the desk while leaving
exam hall.
39. Do take back the
calculator if used, while leaving the exam hall. University / College
authorities are not responsible any things left inside the exam hall.
40. Bags / books / printed
materials for the subject are to kept is the steps only not in the corridor
outside the exam hall.
41. If there is no photo in
the hall ticket, paste a recent passport size photo and get attested from the Principal
for regular GCE, Erode students (in case of special arrear students, they
should get signature Grade A or B officer (not less than thasildar) / Govt
civil surgeon / Govt Doctors / Notary public / Magistrate)
42. Hall tickets should be received
from class advisors only for regular students. Special arrear students can get
the hall ticket between 11 to 12.30 PM in FN and 3 to 4.30 PM in AN on any day
previous to the Exam date.
43. Special arrear students
should carry any original, non-laminated Govt issued id cards during exams like
PAN, Driving license, Voter ID or passport. Xerox copies and laminated card are
not valid.
44. Previously, it is found that some students are
wearing other student's ID card during Exams (By mistake or purposefully
because of missing ID card. Fine will be levied on those candidates, if found.
It creates unnecessary situation to both our side and yourself.
45. It is advised not to bring mobile phones to college during exams. Mobile
phones that are kept in the bag at your own risk, keeps ringing which is
disturbing the students who are writing in the nearby halls. So do switch off
or put it in silent mode. Further, if your mobile phone starts ringing, there
is more chance of getting it stolen.
46. Students should not enter into the exam hall to locate the actual
seating in the absence of invigilator (before start of the exam). If found it
will be considered as malpractice.
47. Do check, whether there are anything written on the desk, bit papers
and any material in and around your seating. If it is pertaining to your
subject, it is considered as malpractice.
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