1) Anna
University has published results of all UG & PG examinations held during
Apr/May 2024.
2) Students
who require photo copies are advised to give their details as per the following
3) Sl.
No, Reg.No, Name of the student, Subject Code &Subject Name, No. of
subjects for which PC is required (Max 5 is allowed ), Total fee to be paid.
Sl. No
Name of the student
Subject Code
Name of the Subject
No of subjects for
which PC is required (Max 5 is allowed )
Total fee to be paid
4) Along
with the above details, students should send PC fee to their respective class
representatives on or before 01/10/2024.
5) The
class representatives after consolidating the receipt of the details in the
suggested format and fee amount, should report to the Exam cell for paying the
fees on 03/10/2024 at 5.00 PM.
Late PC applications (After 03/10/2024) will not be
7) The
photocopy fee amount should be brought as cash to the examination cell.
Do click the link below
to view the Photocopy Procedure AM2024